Free Self-Defense Class

Tuesday, February 18th, 6:30 – 8:30 PM

Beltrami Park Building

1111 Summer St NE, Minneapolis

BNC is happy to bring back Mary Brandl, and her Personal Safety and Self-Defense Workshop. Information is presented on the psychology and general scenario of attack situations.  Learn to recognize a possible attack in the making, and what role distance awareness, eye contact, body language, tone of voice, etc. can play. Simple “last-ditch” physical self-defense techniques will also be presented, practical even for people who have little physical skill or ability.  

Mary Brandl is an instructor and consultant with Minneapolis Community Crime Prevention Program, University of Minnesota Physical Education Department, Hennepin County Sexual Violence Center, and a wide variety of groups and organizations.  She has worked with various Crime Victims Services for over 30 years, and has presented workshops throughout the state, nationally, and in Canada.  She is a 4th degree black belt with Midwest Karate Association and the co-author of the DVD and book entitled Scenarios In Self-Defense.