On Tuesday, November 10th, Beltrami residents gathered to discuss the current state of Beltrami Park and their hopes for the future.

Park Listening Session 1 R 111015 Listening Session R


Attendees talked about what park features & services were most important to them and what features/services are missing.  They also prioritized these ideas by voting for the top 3 ideas that are most important to them.














A second Beltrami Park Listening Session is scheduled for Saturday, December 5th, 11:30 – 1 PM at Beltrami Park. Free Chipotle lunch will be provided!  If you missed the first listening session and want to be sure your voice is heard, please come on December 5th or contact the BNC office.

Timeline for Save Beltrami Park

Summer 2015:  Outreach to Beltrami residents regarding current status of Beltrami Park

September:  Beltrami residents attended MPRB Closing the Gap meeting and stressed the need for funding to make improvements and support programs at Beltrami Park

October:   Beltrami Neighborhood Council created a Park & Recreation Committee to work on Save Beltrami   Park

November 10th:   First Beltrami Park Listening Session to discuss wants and needs

November 30th:  First meeting of BNC Park & Recreation Committee to discuss input and next steps (6:30 PM,   Beltrami Park Building, please join us!)

December 5th:  Second Beltrami Park Listening Session (11:30 – 1 PM, Beltrami Park Bldg, Free Chipotle Lunch!)

Winter 2015:    BNC Park & Recreation Committee meetings and work by Beltrami residents to Save Beltrami Park

Want to stay in the loop? Contact the Beltrami Neighborhood Council office to make sure you’re contacted about next steps, meetings, etc.
612-229-8480, office@discoverbeltrami.org